Praxis Atem im Fluss
c/o Praxis Be you – Live your Essence
Dornacherstrasse 16
4053 Basel, Switzerland
Mobile: +41 78 742 72 76
Please also check your spam folder for my email responses.
Business hours
Wednesday 10:00 – 19:00
Thursday 10:00 – 18:30
Friday: 10:00 – 19:00
Hourly rate: 120 CHF
My work as a breathing therapist is EMR and ASCA recognized. Please check with your health insurance if and to what extent they cover the costs of therapy.
Take the first step
I share my practice with Sylvia Walukiewicz, Practice “Be you – Live your Essence”. Please ring this bell. The practice is on the ground floor and barrier-free to reach.
How to get there
Public transport
I recommend choosing public transport: By train to Bahnhof SBB, from there by foot (5min) or with the Tram Nr. 2 to “IWB”.
By car
There are park houses at the train station Basel SBB and at Heuwaage. From there walking will take about 5-10 minutes. I do not recommend to search for a parking place in the quarter, it can be really hard and time consuming to find a free pace.