

Praxis Atem im Fluss
c/o Praxis Be you – Live your Essence
Dornacherstrasse 16
4053 Basel, Switzerland
Mobile: +41 78 742 72 76
Please also check your spam folder for my email responses.

Business hours

Wednesday 10:00 – 19:00
Thursday 10:00 – 18:30
Friday: 10:00 – 19:00


Hourly rate: 120 CHF
My work as a breathing therapist is EMR and ASCA recognized. Please check with your health insurance if and to what extent they cover the costs of therapy.

Take the first step

Storage of your data*

*Mandatory field

I share my practice with Sylvia Walukiewicz, Practice “Be you – Live your Essence”. Please ring this bell. The practice is on the ground floor and barrier-free to reach.

How to get there

Public transport  

I recommend choosing public transport: By train to Bahnhof SBB, from there by foot (5min) or with the Tram Nr. 2 to “IWB”.

By car

There are park houses at the train station Basel SBB and at Heuwaage. From there walking will take about 5-10 minutes. I do not recommend to search for a parking place in the quarter, it can be really hard and time consuming to find a free pace.