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Das erwartet dich in meiner Praxis

Mein Angebot an dich

Wir passen die gemeinsame Arbeit immer an deinen persönlichen Rhythmus an.

Über mich

Vertrauen, loslassen, offen bleiben.

Diese wenigen Worte beschreiben, wie ich den Prozessen meiner Klient:innen gegenüberstehe. In jedem Mensch steckt das Wissen um das, was er braucht, um sich bestmöglich entwickeln und entfalten zu können. Ich unterstütze dich dabei, den Zugang zu diesem Wissen zu finden.

Außerdem in meiner Praxis


Die Atemmassage ist eine atemspezifisch erweiterte Form der klassischen Massage. Im Fokus stehen das Atemgeschehen und die Beziehung zwischen Therapeut:in und Klient:in. Die Atemmassage wird durch ein Gespräch begleitet.


Was sagen meine Klient:innen

I was allowed to get everything off my chest in the beginning, then we used different exercises to shake off stress or stamp it down into the ground. In the beginning this felt a little strange, but I quickly managed to accept it. In the beginning I was a bit afraid the effect would wear off as quickly as it does after doing sport, which somehow did happen. But Iris showed me how to restore this relaxed feeling.

Carsten D.

neuer Klient

Dear Iris, one can see that you’re practicing breathing therapy with all your heart. You radiate energy, calmness and serenity while leading through the exercises. I felt very safe and was able to defeat my panic attacks! I was able to follow your instructions easily. It felt good to do the different breathing exercises and I felt aerated afterwards.

Barbara C.


Your conscious and competent way made me feel absolutely comfortable. You know how to open up the gateway to my body language with a lot of sensitivity and awareness and how to accompany me in my process.

Florentine G.


You are very empathic and pick up all the topics that keep one busy. I was in good hands, and you understood me. I have perceived my body consciously again. Moreover, I was able to use many tools in my everyday life. One can see that you’re doing your work with a lot of love and heart. Thanks a lot!

Daria. E.

Unterstützung und Begleitung

Dein individueller Weg

Mach den ersten Schritt
